Extermely helpful, David. thank you for posting this summary with your own perspective

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much appreciated, Neftali!

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This is a really helpful diagram! It's really helpful to see how authority needs to be paired with vulnerability or else it becomes exploiting.

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Thanks, Wes--glad to know it was clear.

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Thanks. Great summary. Love the diagram

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Thanks Dave. I have heard you talk about this book a few different time. I am hooked. Makes a ton of sense to me. Thankfully I don't struggle with any of this(haha), but I can sure see others who struggle with exploiting or withdrawing. I think my tendency is to withdraw. My enneagram 7 plays nicely to my escapist tendencies. This is a helpful reminder.

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Nice... helpful feedback here. I'm not a 7 but I think the escapism thing is clearly one of my prime temptations--the biggest one for me in the book. I think you'll love this one, Dave, if you pick it up. Godspeed!

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I think I clicked "subscribe" three times. Sorry about that. Anyway... love this article, Dave. Just getting time to read your posts. I'm high on vulnerability, but not always authority. I have a tendency to doubt myself. This was a good reminder that healthy authority is important, an authority that leads to flourish. I have to think "authority in Jesus." Empathy is my top strength (strength finders) which means I can easily be vulnerable, though I am usually aware of boundaries concerning whom and when. I see myself as a spiritual leader. Something you told me, Dave when I was under your supervision at SL. I have never forgotten that. Thank you for calling it out in me.

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Thanks for sharing this--super meaningful. Yes healthy authority can be so hard to find it is hard to grasp for ourselves. I love the way Andy gets us to think about it differently as a key part of flourishing.

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