It has been interesting over the years as you and I would see qualities in people -- for good or bad -- as we would notice if they have the intangibles or if they don't. They are important! More important than people realize.

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quite true!... oftentimes what we are talking about when someone stands out are these qualities

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Your writing reminds me of God's description of David's leadership qualities in Psalm 78:71-72..."71 From the care of the ewes with nursing lambs He brought him to shepherd Jacob His people,

and Israel His inheritance. 72 So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart,

And guided them with his skillful hands." It seems as if leadership is divided into the two (2) areas of "shepherded" and "guided". One originates in the "integrity of heart"...maybe that which you have so well described as "intangibles"... and the other originates in the "skillful hands" or learned / acquired leadership skills. I personally have found that while these are two very specific and quite different parts of leadership, that each part is dependent upon and totally interacts with the other. Therefore, a developing leader will grow in skills and as a person continually.

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Wow--what a deep and wonderful insight! I love that! Thanks for sharing this.

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I saw a post about an interview of Catlin Clark after she scored 31 points. Almost immediately she shifted the focus to what "we" (the team) did. As I recall, she used "we" 13 times in the first 30 seconds of the interview and 11 more times in the remaining minute and a half of the interview.

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great example! I love it when athletes do this--ensuring the rest of the team doesn't get sidelined by a star in the credit sharing. More on that sharing credit Intangible coming later.

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Right on, David! Near the end, I was thinking, "Hey, this ought to be the intro to a book," and then, voila!

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ha! yep--no plans for this to be a book, but it'll be here for free

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Great article. Would love to have links here to the other articles in this series so that it doesn't end up being a dead end.

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