Honest and deep self search! A stage like that in life is not simple or easy. It is a struggle. Some of us go through the struggle and then brush it off and wast it. Others embrace it and make a pedestal of it that they stand on it to see more clear vision for tomorrow. I believe that is you.

Thanks for sharing

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Thanks for writing and sharing these thoughts. Insightful and kind.

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David--An editorial housekeeping note...

To ruminate is to regurgitate (one's food) and chew it again. Therefore, although food (literally) or an idea (figuratively) can be ruminated UPON, it cannot ruminate, not possessing stomach, mouth, and teeth for literal rumination (in the case of the food), or a brain for figurative rumination (of an idea).

RE: the motorcycle

My husband bought a motorcycle. I did not consider divorce. I did, however, inform him that if he EVER rode it without wearing a helmet, I would IMMEDIATELY sell the motorcycle, and go shopping with the money.

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ha! well... OED leads with the "think deeply about something" and I figured I was implying that I was the one ruminating on it for a while, otherwise I might have said "let it simmer" for a while. I added an "on it" above for clarity after your comment. Thanks.

hope he continues to wear the helmet!

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My unfinished forays into fiction pale in comparison to yours, Dru, but I’ve been there too. Short stories a few times, and a sci-fi (read “Star Trek fan fiction”) attempt that never saw the light of day. These were manifestations of my younger self, though. You’ve got me sufficiently freaked about what’s to come. 😆

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Didn't know of your fiction dabbling, Jolly! Neat!

Glad I've freaked you out--of course, maybe you got it out of your system earlier than me (one of my weird features is that I sort of "grew up too fast" and didn't do enough weird things young--so maybe I'm catching up for lost weirdo time?)

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Let’s roll with that assumption! 😅

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