One of my recent favorites: Christ and the Common Life: Political Theology and the Case for Democracy, by Luke Bretherton (Eerdmans, 2019).

Another: The Bronze Scar: Understanding how PTSD Feels to Help Victims and Those Who Support Them, by Steve West (www.bronzescar.com)

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Thanks for doing this. I am reading the “what if Jesus was serious” book and find it very challenging. It’s one of those one has to read thru a few times to suck the bone marrow.

I have pinned your email and am looking forward to reading those.

I am also almost finished with “Love Does” by Goff, who lives it well and radically and is refreshing.

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Recently I've been going over a few books I've read the last few years. They all relate to growing the Kingdom and most relate to learning from where Christianity is growing rapidly.

1. Miraculous Movements by Jerry Trousdale. One story is about Thomas, the leader of a church planting ministry. He thought the training he was getting was crazy but when he felt forced to try it he found his church planters accomplished more in 3 months than they normally did in 3 years.

2. The Kingdom Unleashed by Jerry Trousdale and Glenn Sunshine. This is about how our church traditions in the West prevent the kind of growth we see in other parts of the world and what we need to learn from movements around the world.

3. Contagious Disciple Making by David & Paul Watson. over the last 30 years David's ministry has seen over half a million new churches and tens of millions of new disciples, most in places where you can be killed for becoming a Christian.

4. Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore by Thom & Joani Schultz. This is about how what churches typically do keeps a lot of people away and what we can do to make our church attractive to out siders without changing our message.

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